Biden supports media and vice versa

Listening to Rush Limbaugh today Nov 24 2020 He announced that CHINA had been propping up the to Quote President Trump “The failing NY Times”

NOW WE KNOW why this own relic of an honest and trustworthy past hasn’t collapsed while others have gone by the wayside

AND WITH THE LYING that MSM have undergone thinking it will benefit them think again


It’s not just 70 million American’s it closer to 150 million Americans including family members

So if you think you have silenced the conservatives not just in America but around  the world

Just think about this when you are planning your NEXT MOVIE

We go to the Movies

We listen to your music

We watch your TV programs

We buy your clothes

We drink your wine

We drive your cars

We defend you from attack both home and abroad

We keep you safe

So ask yourself this, if you don’t like us discriminate against us

How are you going to carry on with your life

without well north of 50% of the population you despise but need to keep your lifestyle




Here’s piece that got missed I wonder why

China routinely broke federal law by not disclosing how much it spent to publish regime propaganda in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other newspapers, an expert review of foreign agent registration filings concluded.

China Daily, an official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, has published hundreds of propaganda articles designed to look like ordinary news stories in some of America’s most influential newspapers. While foreign agents may place ads in the United States, the propaganda outlet has repeatedly violated the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) by failing to provide full disclosures about its purchases.

China Daily has published propaganda in mainstream outlets for decades, but did not disclose its purchases of space in American newspapers to the Department of Justice until 2012. Even after it began acknowledging its relationship with the papers, the regime mouthpiece continued to violate federal disclosure requirements. China Daily has failed to provide breakdowns of spending activities and withheld copies of online ads, among other omissions that violate federal law, according to experts who reviewed years of its FARA filings.

The Washington Free Beacon reviewed all of the physical copies of China Daily‘s ads filed with the DOJ, as well as online ads the propaganda outlet did not submit to the department. China Daily has run more than 700 online ads designed to look like news articles and purchased 500 print pages in six American newspapers over the last seven years. These propaganda articles frame state oppression in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong in a positive light and run alongside actual news stories produced by reporters at the Post, Times, Wall Street Journal, and other outlets.

Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, has frequently criticized China Daily, arguing that the newspaper should not be distributed to the offices of members of Congress. He said American newspapers traded credibility for ad revenue.

“These outlets claim to support democracy, but they’ve participated in a cover-up for an ongoing communist-run genocide,” Banks said. “It’s disgusting.”

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