Mayor of the town of ‘Trent Mills’ Denied Cancer Treatment by Liberal Government of Ontario


Trent Hills Mayor Hector Macmillan

There are many stories that upset me, but by far this is the most egregious act of lack of compassion.

The Mayor of this town has in short, been diagnosed with what is considered in Canada Stage #4 pancreatic Cancer, however there is a very big twist to this!

check this out


Liberal party of Canada

eh radio WordPress banner



The Liberal Party of Canada

Now they are safely in place. The elecetion in the rear view mirror

  • Who are the Liberal party of Canada

  • They are determined to cush free speech

  • The Canadian charter ignored

  • Quotos for French being introduced

  • Gaging the media

  • Carbon Tax introduced

  • Jobs Tax

  • and much much more

  • Terrorists treated better than Canadians

  • More refugees shoved down our throats

  • The old racist Liberal card played

  • Finally as with all Liberals our safety put at risk all in the cause of PC

There’s been a delay but finally show links are available

Here the link to the latest podcast

More to follow Soon stay tuned!



By Adrian S

Most dangerous Man in Canada by a long way.

There is No doubt in my that this party The Liberal communist Party of Canada, is by far the biggest threat to you and your way of life.

The Three Amigo’s (destroying Canada one province at a time)

Taxes have already gone up, and working in conjunction with the Provincial Liberal Communists  and other Provinces ALL user taxes have increased WAY BEYOND inflation.


So what does this mean to you and me?

Well to put it simply, the more user fees (taxes) for services which the average Canadian cannot avoid, go up you have less discretionary money available to you.

More  on web site link below

California Muslim who killed grandparents: “Praise be to Allah who [ will ] in searing pain smite my enimies with haste” — Jihad Watch

It seems clear from his Facebook page that Nathaniel Scheiern, who killed and tried to behead his grandparents, was a convert to Islam, not just a rage-filled loser with a taste for Islamic State beheading videos. Entries on his Facebook page include semi-literate but unmistakable declarations of Islamic faith (the brackets are not interpolations by…

via California Muslim who killed grandparents: “Praise be to Allah who [ will ] in searing pain smite my enimies with haste” — Jihad Watch

Jeremy Corbyn deflects question on commitment to NATO under his Labour government — Defence of the Realm

As the battle for the Labour Party leadership intensifies, current leader Jeremy Corbyn has implied that he would not necessarily commit British troops to NATO in the event of a Russian attack. Despite being questioned multiple times at a leadership debate in Birmingham if as Prime Minister he would honour the most fundamental principle of NATO […]

via Jeremy Corbyn deflects question on commitment to NATO under his Labour government — Defence of the Realm

Has Multiculturalism failed in Europe… where else?

2 Articles come to the same conclusions

According to the British government’s Labour Force Survey (LFS), which were first published by the Times of London newspaper in January 2009, and later confirmed by Hansard, the official report of debates in the British Parliament, the Muslim population in Britain grew from 1,870,000 in 2004 to 2,422,000 in 2008, an increase of more than 500,000. During those four years, Britain’s Muslim population multiplied 10 times faster than the rest of society. By contrast, the number of Christians in the country fell by more than two million during the same period.

As Britain’s Muslim population grows, British society is being transformed in ways unimaginable just a few years ago. For example, Mohammed is now the most popular name for baby boys in Britain, according to new data released by the United Kingdom’s Office of National Statistics (ONS).

At the same time, Islamic jurisprudence is spreading throughout Britain at an astonishing rate. At least 85 Islamic Sharia courts are now operating in the country, almost 20 times as many as previously believed. A recent think tank study titled “Sharia Law or One Law for All” found that scores of unofficial tribunals and councils regularly apply Islamic law to resolve domestic, marital and business disputes, many operating in mosques. It warns of a “creeping” acceptance of Sharia principles in British law. The study follows the outcry over remarks by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, who has said that Sharia law in Britain is “unavoidable.”

Election Fraud: Is Britain Finally Waking Up To The Disaster Of Multiculturalism?

If ever you’ve worried that parts of Britain now resemble some hideously corrupt, Third World Islamic basket case hell hole then you’re going to loveSir Eric Pickles’s gloriously robust report on electoral fraud.


German asylum seekers refuse to work insisting ‘We are Merkel’s GUESTS’


ASYLUM seekers in Germany are refusing to undertake work to counteract boredom – using Chancellor Angela Merkel’s generous hospitality as an excuse.

According to mayor Bernd Pohlers of the eastern town of Saxony Waldenburg, the asylum seekers refused to accept the work that was offered to them after they arrived in the country.

The local council spent £600 arranging for the men to have uniforms but were stunned when they were told they would not complete it because they were “guests of Angela Merkel”.

While asylum seekers are not allowed to work under immigration rules within the EU, they are allowed to do voluntary work.

However officials in the district of Zwickau came up with a plan to help encourage those without employment to get back to work and to help them become more accepted within the local community.

In order to do this they created voluntary jobs which included a nominal payment of £18 for 20 hours work.

There is far more at the link below but this is NOT being covered over here at ALL

Why can’t this happen here!

Is this why they are so scared of Donald Trump

Could it be as simple as, he’s not one of them, not an insider doesn’t want power for himself.

Could it be then that they don’t want the United States to regain it’s strength and challenge the world view that China and Russia has.

Is it that he won’t bend to the Saudi’s or political correctness

Well is that he can’t be bought or blackmailed

No, No, I think it’s all of these things and much much more!

Check this video out yourselves and make your own minds up

Don’t be fooled by polls pundits and the main stream media do your own homework

Before it’s too late, like it is for

Canada U.K. France Germany Holland  Italy Austria Belgium Sweden Norway Denmark Ireland

And every day another Country gets closer to the point of NO return

Don’t let the U.S.A. be just one more!


NFTA(North American Free Trade Association)

NFTA what is it and what has it done for you and me?


  • Coming soon the real cost of NAFTA for you and me
  • Are things cheaper
  • Can you get more things than before
  • What restrictions are there for you and me if any
  • How does it affect small and big business alike

We will answer these questions and more and the answers may surprise you

And what you don’t know about NAFTA

ALL coming up on our next podcast from ‘EH Radio’ stay tuned! and go to our link for the latest podcasts

Was it what you thought it was going to be?

Can you see any benefit from or is it all smoking mirrors?

Stay tuned for our next podcast coming soon!





UK Muslim cleric found guilty of supporting ISIS

UK Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary found guilty of supporting the Islamic State

He inspired at least 100 jihadis in the UK. He called openly for the murder of Pamela Geller. The British government let him run around loose for years, while banning me from the country for opposing Choudary and his ilk. And Twitter and YouTube, true to form as always, would not remove his posts.



more on this at JIHAD WATCH

Russian War Planes back in Iran (not since the 1940’s)

celebrating Air Force Day in Lipetsk






Barack Obama


This is good for the West why?

When you are asked to vote in November ask yourself who has the experience and who has had the wool pulled over their eyes!

by Adrian S

Putin as I have said before is doing what Putin does best, that’s while the west is distracted he acts.

Whilst a lot but not all western eyes are on Rio and the Olympic games, Russia once again makes a strategic move into Iran.

The President of the United States has distracted the American public by releasing once again known terrorists from Guantanamo Bay prison. All the time this is going on Americans are being distracted by the Olympics.

When and if and I say if ,(using a play on the baseball analogy) not until the US election has actually been run and maybe not even then, will we get to peak behind the Obama curtain which has been held so tightly shut by the US media for some 8 years.

The corruption and lies which have been such a staple diet by the US media, will then be revealed (hopefully) for what it was, a smoke screen, which to be fair WAS announced ahead of time, “to fundamentally transform the United States of America”. I think most people would agree that he’s done that.

Turning what was once a peaceful and forgiving Country into one that is divisive at every turn, be it politics or race or religion or education or any degree of income.

How sad that the potential that is ‘America’ has been squandered by small minded and selfish people, groups and organizations.

Finally I believe it was in 1994 Ukraine signed an agreement concerning it’s NUKES and security

There is article from Bloomberg

For a brief period, Ukraine was the world’s third-largest nuclear power.

It gave up thousands of nuclear warheads inherited from the Soviet Union in return for a 1994 promise from the U.S. and Russia not to use force or threaten military action against the newly independent nation, a pledge Russian President Vladimir Putin repudiated yesterday after his troops took control of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula.

So quickly we forget our new allies, kind of reminds me of another deal done in


look how that turned out.

When you are asked to vote in November ask yourself who has the experience and who has had the wool pulled over their eyes and are you safer now than you were 8 years ago?