Ontario Citizens set to pay $21.2 billion debt interest this year


Do you think they care because they have NO idea where money comes from!

Perhaps they think its magic


Liberal communists doing what they do best… spending other people’s money and bankrupting them, leaving a sorry mess for the grownups to fix.



Frazier Institute

Government debt imposes real costs on individual Canadians and their families in the form of interest payments. Governments must pay interest on their debt—it’s not a choice. And the more money governments spend on interest payments, the less money is available for the programs and services that matter to Canadians.

As recent Fraser Institute study points out, interest on the federal debt will total $24.9 billion this year, more than what Ottawa plans to spend on transfers to Canadian families in the form of children benefits ($21.8 billion).

But how much must Canadians pay in provincial government debt interest this year?

In Ontario, the province expects to spend $11.4 billion servicing its debt. When we combine Ontario’s debt servicing costs with the province’s share of federal debt servicing costs, Ontario taxpayers are responsible for a total of $21.2 billion in federal-provincial interest payments. That’s roughly equivalent to what the Ontario government collects in HST ($23.8 billion) and a lot more than what it spends on physicians ($13.1 billion in 2015).


Alberta Carbon Dioxide tax will have spies


Is that right Alberta Carbon Dioxide tax will have spies watching YOU in Alberta Nazi Jack boot tactics if ever I heard them!


This is a TAX on living so how is that not NAZI like?

The tax that they are imposing on all Canadians and I do say IMPOSE is this

The so-called greenhouse gasses that they are worried about in particular is

Below is just some of the information that can be found on the benefits of carbon dioxide

I want you to listen to the whole report on what bad things can happen

When a SOCIALIST ideology gets hold of the English Langauge and distort something

It NOT Carbon dioxide anymore it’s CARBON and IT MUST BE STOPPED

and wouldn’t this be a great way to stop you having so much freedom!

The clip is from The rebel Media


But let’s be honest it does not sound so EVIL as CARBON does it!, Also you would be WAY less inclined to take seriously carbon dioxide wouldn’t you!

So by labeling it CARBON makes it sound dirty and bad for the environment

Here’s the dirty little secret

We need carbon dioxide to survive

definition from Wikipedia


  1. a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 percent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.

This is from a report

CARBON DIOXIDE The good news

Evidence for enhanced plant growth That carbon dioxide is plant food has been known since the publication in 1804 of Nicolas-Théodore de Saussure’s Recherches Chimiques sur la Végétation. 12 Thousands of experiments since then have shown that the majority of plants grow faster and larger, both above and below ground, if they are exposed to higher carbon dioxide concentrations

Present-day contribution of carbon dioxide to increases in crop yields If more carbon dioxide increases the productivity of plants, how much have crop yields increased so far because of carbon dioxide increases since pre-industrial times?

estimate of a 20–25% yield increase for a doubling of carbon dioxide levels since pre-industrial times translates into a 9–11% yield increase so far. Alternatively, a 34.6% increase in yield from a 300-ppm increase in carbon dioxide concentration, as calculated by the CSCDGC,† translates into a 15% yield increase due to anthropogenic emissions to date.

Impact of carbon dioxide enrichment on pests and weeds All crops are engaged in a battle of attrition with fungal parasites, insect predators and plant competitors, among other pests. Human intervention to help the crops prevail, using pesticides, genetic modification or by changing agronomic practices, is the main determinant of how much of the crop is lost. However, it is possible that carbon dioxide enrichment can improve the capacity of plants to resist pests.

Contribution of carbon dioxide to increases in biological productivity in unmanaged ecosystems As early as 1985, Bacastow and colleagues detected a steady increase in the amplitude of seasonal variation in the carbon dioxide levels in the northern hemisphere,4

The productivity of global ecosystems has increased by 14% in aggregate. Notably, all vegetation types have greened,46 including tropical rain forests, deciduous and evergreen boreal forests, scrubland, semi-deserts, grasslands and all other wild ecosystems, including those that do not even have indirect input of man-made nitrogen fertilizer.

And just to finish

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Australia tried It! (Carbon Tax)


A tax on Carbon dioxide that’s what you expel from your lungs!

Today I want to read part of an article from canadafreepress.com on the implementation and subsequent repeal of Carbon tax in Australia

and you can find a link on my website

CALGARY, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has launched a cross-country tour with Chris Berg, senior fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs—the think tank that was a leading voice pushing for the repeal of Australia’s carbon tax.

Australia’s national carbon tax came into effect July 1, 2012, and was repealed on July 17, 2014.

“Australians tried a carbon tax, it didn’t work, so they repealed it, and Canadians need to take a close look at that experience,” said CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick. “Many Canadians are about to feel the impact of a national carbon tax and it’s important to find out what to expect and hear it first-hand from a country that has tried it.”

Australia produces roughly 1.5 per cent of world greenhouse gas emissions. Canada produces 1.65 per cent.

“Many Australians faced high energy bills and job losses as a result of our carbon tax,” said Chris Berg of the Institute of Public Affairs. “The government was forced to create heaps of new bureaucracy, rebates, free carbon credits and red tape just to deal with the fallout from the tax. And worst of all, it did virtually nothing to impact global climate change. Canadians should not follow us down this path.”

The IPA estimated that the carbon tax coupled with Australia’s other energy regulations pushed up electricity bills by 25 per cent. In 2013, the IPA also estimated the carbon tax was costing Australians $9 billion ($8.89 billion CDN) per year.


And just to finish

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